About K·FISH

What is K·FISH?

The Meaning of K·FISH

K·FISH의 의미
Freshly delivered from Clean Korean Seas,
A Global Brand for Seafood Lovers, K·FISH
Korean Fishery Exports National Brand
K·FISH, a consolidated brand of seafood certified by the Korean government was born to serve seafood lovers around the world
Qualifying for the K·FISH brand is not an easy process. Korean seafood has to pass stringent tests to become K·FISH, a qualification process that requires meticulous procedures and thorough management processes.
The Korean government applies the rigorous and strict requirements for the usage of the K·FISH name to ensure that consumers worldwide identify this brand as a premium seafood product.

Competitiveness of the K·FISH

Korean seafood has to pass stringent
tests to become K·FISH
Application for Use
Company Capability : Evaluate a production/export capability
Manufacturing Equipment : Whether certification required for manufacturing/
equipment is acquired
Product Quality : Evaluate the physicochemical quality of products
Quality Evaluation
Thorough quality evaluation through on-site examination
(improvement evaluation and quality evaluation)
Hygiene : Hygiene inspection of equipment and management personnel
Prevention of Epidemics : Medicine and disease management and traceability
Manufacturing Equipment : Check the status of raw materials, processing,
manufacture and water management
Final Evaluation
Thorough quality verification according to quantified evaluation criteria
Supervision by continuous on-site examination even after approving brand use
  • The qualification process for the K·FISH brand name use requires meticulous procedures and thorough management processes.
  • Supply partners and products must meet rigorous standards. Production sites are inspected and quality is managed based on a comprehensive evaluation system