About K·FISH

Target Products



Milk of the sea rich inprotein and calcium

Oysters are also known as the “milk of the sea” due to their high nutrition and protein content. Zinc and calcium contained in oysters may help to relieve eye fatigue and improve learning ability. Oysters also contain taurine which aids in fatigue recovery.

Korea’s southern seas have coastal inlets where shallow waters are ideal for an 'ocean ranch'. Because the current is favorable for aquaculture, oysters produced here are rich in nutrients and are characterized by their size and vivid color. Due to its uncontaminated condition, this area has been certified by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) as a ‘designated area’ for harvesting oysters.

In Korea, oysters are mainly eaten raw or baked, and often used in a variety of dishes such as oyster soup, oyster rice, and spicy oyster salad.

Quality oysters have firm and lustrous meat that is bright, clear, with a milky gloss. Because K·FISH frozen oysters are flash frozen at -18 degrees Celsius, they restore their fresh, firm texture when defrosted.



Perfect seafood which feeds on the next generation superfoods

Abalone is a high-protein low fat food rich in minerals and vitamins. It is a seafood so high in protein it is referred to as 'protein pieces from the sea’. Since abalone feeds on ocean superfoods such as sea mustard and kelp, it is nutritionally almost the perfect seafood.

About 80% of Korean abalones are cultivated in the southern sea, where the water temperature remains the same throughout the year. The south sea has a Rias coast, so it has the optimal environment for a variety of marine life. The wide seaweed forests in these coastal waters provide an abundance of food for the abalone, while the mudflats help to purify their environment.

In Korea, abalone rice porridge is a common meal when recovering from an illness. Korean royalty boil abalone in a soy sauce seasoning called jeonbokcho, as another means to improve health. Quality abalone is fleshy, blemish-free, and has a glossy appearance. K·FISH abalone is available fresh or as a processed product.



Superfood from the sea that captivates the palates of the world

High in protein and vitamins yet low in calories, gim aims to be the next generation of superfood.

Gim is a type of seaweed that grows in clean waters, and under very specific conditions. Proper growth depends on ideal water temperature, salinity, sunlight and current movement. Korean gim makes up half of the world’s dried gim market, and is recognized for its superior quality due to sanitary growth environments and excellent processing technology.

In Korea, where a staple food is rice, gim is widely used for rice side dishes, but in other parts of the world it is a popular snack food.

Quality gim, like K·FISH Dried Gim, has a glossy black color and crispy texture. Harvested from the clean Korean seas, processed according to strict government standards, then dried and seasoned expertly, are all reasons why K·FISH Dried Gim is both delicious and nutritious.



Treasure chest of protein with light and simple taste

Flatfish is a white fish with a high protein and low fat content. The Omega-3 and collagen contained in flatfish may help stimulate the metabolism and prevent the aging of skin.

Korea is the number one producer of cultivated flatfish in the world, with a volume large enough to account for more than half of the aquaculture industry in Korea. The environment off the shores of Jeju, which was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has excellent conditions for flatfish farming.

In Korea, flatfish is known as the national sashimi. K·FISH flatfish are produced in the best possible growing environment and with the world's best aquaculture technology. By using live transport containers, fresh flatfish can be available everywhere.

Sea Cucumber

Sea Cucumber

Ginseng of the sea with sound effect of preventing aging

Sea cucumbers are referred to as “ginseng of the sea” because they share many of the same health benefits of herbal ginseng. They contain various nutrients including chondroitin and iron.

Sea cucumber is a winter season animal that thrives in cold water and has excellent survival instincts. Three types of sea cucumbers harvested in Korea are red, blue and black.

They are unique in texture, and mainly consumed raw in Korea. Although dried processed sea cucumber reduces in size, its potency and effectiveness increases 40 times.

Quality sea cucumbers have a dark color, an elastic texture and a rough surface. Producing K·FISH dried sea cucumber is elaborate process. After a thorough cleaning to remove foreign substances, the sea cucumber is washed, then dried for at least one week in a hot air dryer.

Red snow crab

Red snow crab

A Health Food Rich in Essential Amino Acids

Red snow crab is rich in protein and also contains various nutrients such as calcium, minerals and chitosan. Red snow crab has high amounts of amino acids that help the body secrete insulin and maintain a sound biorhythm. The East Sea of Korea is a suitable growth environment for red snow crab due to its deep cold waters.

In order to prevent the depletion of red snow crab due to overfishing, the Republic of Korea has implemented a 'Total Allowable Catch (TAC) system'. The TAC has allowed the red snow crab population to continuously increase. This system recognizes the need for 'sustainable fisheries' and helps to restore the ocean’s ecosystem.

In Korea, steamed red snow crab is the most popular preparation and there are a lot of restaurants that specialize in main course red snow crab dishes.

K·FISH red snow crab is made by boiling the red snow crab, then carefully removing the meat from the shell. Proper temperature must be maintained during this manufacturing process in order to preserve the taste and freshness of red snow crab meat

Fish Cake

Fish Cake

Nutritious Snack that everyone can enjoy

Fish cakes are made from a combination of different varieties fish and are a good source of protein. They are also high in unsaturated fatty acids, which stabilize cholesterol levels as well as aid in the prevention of adult diseases.

In Korea, fish cakes are a popular winter street food and a common type of soup on cold days. It is also a well-liked snack for children.

K·FISH fish cakes are thoroughly evaluated to ensure the best texture and elasticity. Using the most advanced rapid freezing technology ensures that the fish cakes can withstand long-term storage, so when thawed they will taste fresh and delicious.

Seasoned Squid


A Ready-to- Eat Food

Squid contains taurine which aids in recovering from fatigue and also contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can benefit brain development and prevent dementia.

Seasoned squid is a ready-to-eat food, made of finely cut squid which is prepared dried after seasoning. Easy to be stored with a long shelf-life and no fish smell, seasoned squid is loved by all generation.

In Korea, seasoned squid is mainly consumed as a side dish, but it is also enjoyed as a snack or an accompaniment to a drink. Eaten with nuts helps balance its nutritional value.

Quality squid is picked based on color and odor, and refrigeration preserves its flavor while in storage.

K·FISH products are manufactured with careful attention to the cleaning and sterilization process of squid. Ultraviolet sterilization technology is used to blocked harmful bacteria, ensuring the quality and safety of the product.

Conger Eel


Stamina Food with unique chewy texture

The conger, which has a unique chewy texture, is known as the “treasury of vitamin A”. Conger also contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus which may all help support the immune system.

Conger is wild caught in the coastal waters off of Korea, the East China Sea, or Hokkaido, Japan.

In Korea, conger is mainly grilled, and it is known for being a stamina food which helps in recovery and restoration.

Caught fresh, conger is transported live to a processing facility, followed by cleaning and processing. Transporting the fish live ensures that it stays freshen route to the factory. Korean fishing vessels are well equipped in storing the conger to maintain freshness before it arrives at the factory. K·FISH facilities clean and process the fish, then use advanced rapid freezing technology to preserve the texture and taste. K·FISH conger is available as frozen fillets.

Canned & Retort Tuna


Steak of the sea rich in DHA and calcium

Tuna is high in protein and calcium and is a low fat and low calorie seafood. Tuna also contains high levels of Omega-3, which may prevent some adult diseases.

In Korea, tuna is a popular seafood. There are tuna specific restaurants that specialize in tuna sashimi and tuna-based course meals, and canned tuna is a customary item in holiday gift sets. Canned tuna is used as an ingredient in meals and also enjoyed as a topping for rice bowls, added to stews, and salads. Canned tuna flavor varieties such as pepper tuna and vegetable tuna are also common.

Canned tuna is known to have a higher calcium content due to the heat treatment process in production. A Time Magazine article named canned tuna as one of the 16 healing foods, as well as mentioning the high levels of Omega-3 contained in canned tuna is effective for mental health, including prevention of depression.

K·FISH tuna is available in cans or retort packaging for convenience and enjoyment

Sea Mustard(Miyok)


Nutrient rich vegetable of the sea

Sea mustard is rich in dietary fiber and contains high levels of potassium which is known to help prevent hypertension and other adult diseases. Sea mustard also contains alginic acid, which aids the body in the release of heavy metals and other impurities.

Korea's offshore waters have ideal natural conditions for growing sea mustard, such as moderate water temperature, calm waves, and sufficient sunlight.

In Korea, women drink sea mustard soup after childbirth to help aid the body in recovery. The soup is also an important part of a celebratory birthday meal.

Quality raw sea mustard should have an even dark blue color and thick skin. When dried it has a bright and vivid color. K·FISH only uses the best quality sea mustard, pure as the clean oceans from which it is harvested, and high in vitamins and nutrients.

Baby clams

Baby clams

The small jewel of the tideland,rich in magnesium

The baby clams has been a great source of protein for Koreans and have kept them healthy for generations - it is also known as the cleaner of the tidelands for it takes part in the natural purification process. It contains 5 times more magnesium than an egg, but at the same time has very low calories and fat - making it an ideal stamina food when going on a diet. Also, it is a very good calcium supplement for the summertime, when you sweat more. Korean baby clams are known for their quality, and their export has been increasing along with oysters and mussels; on 2017, Korea has defined the genetic structure of baby clams for the first time in the world, making it possible to utilize their funtional genes.

Moreover, because only the baby clams that were produced in selected waters with regularly monitored hygiene are exported from Korea, its safety is guaranteed.

Good baby clams have tightly closed shells that do not reveal the insides, and are uncracked and shiny. K·FISH baby clams are quick-frozen when the meat is still fresh and firm, so that they still have their original texture when defrosted.



Food for the Kings, a royal cuisine - Eoran (semi-dried fish roe)

Roes are made by taking nice and plump roe from fish when they are about to lay eggs, washing them in salt water and brushing them with seasonings such as sesame oil over dozens of times before naturally drying them for over a month. It contains high levels of protein, phospholipids, various vitamins, etc.

The manufacturing and preservation process of Roes are very complicated, which made it only available to the royals of Josun dynasty, and used only during special occasions such as national holidays and ceremonies. Thre are records proving that similar foods were served in ancient Egypt and Greece, not to mention China where it was used as a drinking snack.

K·FISH Roes only uses full and plump roe from fish, which are then processed with care; they have a smooth surface, smell nice and savory, and do not break when pressed.



The most famous blue colored fish, the barley of the sea

Mackerels are typical blue-backed fish, high in the famous anticoagulant Omega-3 fatty acid, which makes them wonderful blood thinners. Also, they contain high levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids, such as: EPA, which contributes to vasodilation / platelet aggregation inhibition and helps prevent arteriosclerosis; DHA,which are known for their role in preventing Altzheimer's disease; lastly, their high contents of vitamin B2 and iron helps improve skin and anemia.

A lot of mackerels are caught in Korea. They grow very rapidly - they usually grow up to 25~30cm in a year, to a maximum of 40cm, and they live along the coastline.

Good mackerels have firm flesh and have a blueish green shade on their backs; when choosing a good mackerel, one should always press on the fish to check its freshness. Also, the eyes must look transparent, and the gills fresh and red. K·FISH takes the best mackerels amd preserves them before sales so that customers can enjoy our mackerels anywhere at anytime.



Small but Giant King of Calcium

As anchovy is a fish that we often eat due to its low price, it is a representative fish we eat bones and all and is also the second most caught familiar fish after pollack in South Korea.

The anchovy which is small but nutritious can supplement essential amino acids which easily get scarce in our body such as lysine, methionine, etc. In addition, it is so rich in minerals including calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. that it helps the composition of cells and the formation of bones and teeth. Especially, it is so rich in calcium that it is often called the Lord of Calcium, so you can take 509mg of calcium per 100g of anchovy, which is equivalent to 70% of the daily intake of calcium.

As anchovies are caught around July ~ August, it is recommended to purchase dried anchovies before and after Chuseok. The fresh and high-quality anchovies refer to ones without injuries on the surface and scales. When choosing dried anchovies, it is recommended to choose ones which are not too yellowish, are softly silver-colored and are little shredded.

In South Korea, the boiled and dried anchovies are used for soup or toasting and the raw anchovies are used for pickled fish, raw fish and boiling. Even if it is cumbersome, you should clean anchovies for soup to prevent soup from tasting bitter. You can clean anchovies by removing a head, cutting a body in half and removing black intestines between the head and the body.

Because rice, staple food for South Koreans, lacks essential amino acids such as lysin, etc., it is ideal for them to have a meal with side dishes rich in essential amino acids like anchovies. K·FISH anchovies are released in various types of anchovy-processed food including dried anchovies, anchovies boiled in soy sauce, etc.

Sea Tangle

Sea Tangle

Silk in the Sea with Plenty of Iodine

As kelp is half composed of carbohydrate, rich in minerals and digested 79%, it is more efficient than milk with the digestibility of 50%. The carbohydrate composing kelp is Alginic Acid, a component which is hardly digested by enzyme in the body, but it remains in the intestines and helps bacteria necessary for the intestines grow to strengthen the intestines to help bowel movement and prevent constipation.

In addition, it is rich in both calcium and iodine, so it is effective to prevent aging. Iodine is largely contained in seaweed such as kelp and sea mustard and dried kelp contains iodine 7 times than dried sea mustard. It makes thyroid gland healthier to reduce a risk of thyroid cancer and helps prevent and treat the cancer. It is very helpful for pregnant women in that it prevents fatigue and weakness and helps fetal development during pregnancy.

For kelp, the black and slightly greenish brown one is considered a high-quality product. It is dried by overlapping one by one, so it is considered high-quality as it is stiffer and thicker. If it turns red or is finely creased, it is not good, so you should be careful when purchasing it. The raw kelp is in season in July ~ October and dried kelp is easily available all year round.

In South Korea, kelp is most ofen used when making meat broth. The white powder created when leaving kelp as it is is called Mannitol, which is a sugar component, but functions as natural seasoning which tastes salty with a combination of salt. When you wash dried kelp with water, mannitol components on the surfact are removed, so you should lightly wipe kelp with a dry fabric without washing it with water, put it in water and brew it. When eating raw kelp, it is good to wrap it with vegetables after slightly blanching it in salt water and dried kelp is used when making fried kelp, roasted kelp, kelp boiled in soy sauce, kelp pancake, etc.

K·FISH kelp is released in various types of processed food including fried kelp, seasoned sliced kelp, etc.